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Dust and particulate pollutants in indoor air

To ensure good indoor air quality, it is essential to keep both the indoor air and the surfaces sufficiently clean. Cleanliness is affected by many factors, such as dust management during construction or renovation work, the cleanness of ventilation systems, the cleaning regimen at the site, as well as the sources of pollutants such as mineral wool fibers in the building or in its surroundings.


Mineral wool fibers and other particulate pollutants in indoor air can cause symptoms in areas such as the respiratory system and mucous membranes. Various methods are used to measure and investigate different kinds of pollutants; mineral wool fibers are often measured using samples of settled fibers, whereas the presence of construction dust is investigated using dust characterization analysis. During construction and renovation work, quality control measurements are often done as dust cover measurements from gel tape samples.

  • sampling of settled mineral wool fibers

  • sampling for dust characterization analysis

  • monitoring the cleanness of ventilation systems

  • BM-Dustdetector® dust cover measurements from gel tape samples

Ask our experts for more information!

Dust and particulate pollutants degrade indoor air quality.
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Specialist of asbestos and dangerous substances – Certificate of construction No C-25680-33-20

Virve Ruokamo


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