The renovation and maintenance of the shelters is the responsibility of the property owner. According to the Rescue Act, shelters should be maintained in such a condition that they can be put into service within 72 hours, in addition to which the tightness of the shelters must be checked at least once every 10 years in accordance with the above-mentioned law.
During the civil protection inspection, the equipment and devices of the protection are maintained and inspected, in addition to which the tightness of the protection is checked by a tightness test. During the leak test, all air connections from the enclosure to the outside air shall be closed with the equipment found in the enclosure, after which the enclosure shall be pressurized against the outside air and the surrounding spaces. After passing the leak test, an annual civil protection maintenance report is drawn up for the protection inspection, which is left completed in the protection.
A report is prepared on the civil protection inspection, which describes the condition of the civil protection and possible shortcomings. If deficiencies are found in the protection equipment, the inspection may also be combined with the provision of equipment additions to the protection.
According to section 76 of the Rescue Act 379/2011, the civil protection and its equipment must be kept in such a condition that the civil protection can be put into operation within 72 hours. In addition, the protection should be checked annually and a tightness test should be performed every 10 years.
Specialist of asbestos and dangerous substances – Certificate of construction No C-25680-33-20
Virve Ruokamo